Solar for All
Rooftop solar is already revolutionizing the way we think about energy. Instead of letting utility companies call the shots, destroy our wildlands, burn fossil fuels, and then send us charge us for this destruction, local solar installations allow us to invest in our communities, cut carbon emissions, save wildlands, and give us leverage over our utility companies. This is frightening to utility companies, and they have sought to weaken any policy initiatives that would encourage greater adoption of rooftop solar. In California, legislators introduced a bill known as "Solar for All" (AB 1990) that would mandate that utility companies buy 190 megawatts of clean energy generated by solar panels in our cities. The fate of this effort is uncertain, as utility company lobbyists are hitting Sacramento to fight local clean energy. As Sierra Club My Generation organizer put it in a recent opinion piece in the San Bernardino Sun: The source of Edison's and other private