Mojave camping trip part 2: Cima to Granite Hills
Picking up on my previous post covering my late March camping trip in the Mojave National Preserve, I last left you as we came off Aiken Mine Road, turning onto Cima Road. For those that have visited the Preserve in the past, you'll know that the Teutonia Peak is one of the most popular hikes on Cima Road. I had already hiked the peak during a previous trip, so we continued on down Cima Road en route to Kelso Depot for a refreshment before we scouted out a camping site. It's always impressive to see the Joshua Tree woodland in the Cima dome area. Where I grew up in Victorville the Joshua Trees are thicker, more robust and probably taller (on average), but much more sparse than in Cima. The trees in Cima are thinner and shorter, but obviously the ecosystem fits the "woodland" description quite well! I was excited when we got to Kelso Depot and we spotted the first desert dandelion. I know, it's kind of nerdy, but I have not seen a desert dandelion in