Sierra Club Senior Staff Dismissive of Industry Impacts
Pet cats kill 1.4 to 3.7 billion birds in the US each year, according to a study conducted by scientists with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the Fish and Wildlife Service. This is a significant problem that bird conservation groups have tried to address for years, although the revised numbers are very startling. Unfortunately, this disaster is used by some industry advocates to belittle another cause of avian mortality -- wind turbines. Sierra Club senior editor Paul Rauber broadcast a Tweet and a blog post this week giving credence to this false logic, implying that if one cause of bird mortality is significantly greater than another, the lesser cause can be ignored. In a Tweet featuring a chart comparing annual bird mortality by wind turbines to bird mortality by cats, Mr. Rauber stated: "If bird fatalities are an argument against wind power, say goodbye first to Puss." Mr. Rauber apparently found the infographic from another...